Re-Opening Without Closing Down on Your Employees


Does it feel like the shutdowns of March were a very long time ago? 

For some, it can seem like it happened a decade back. For others, it might seem like it was just last week. 

However, in many ways, the pandemic is just as dangerous now as it was then. In fact, it might even be more so, due to rising infection and death rates. 

At that time, so many businesses across any number of industries took decisive action. Some added benefits for their employees, others for their customers, many sent their workers to work remotely, while plenty did all of the above and more. 

Unfortunately, it looks like many companies have decided to go in the opposite direction now. This is a mistake, both in the short run as well as the longer one. 


“We’re All in This Together” Shouldn’t Have a Time Limit 


According to Vox, several “companies have begun quietly rolling back many of the benefits, perks, and allowances they so loudly announced earlier this year. The state of the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t materially different than it was a few months ago – arguably, it’s now more widespread and worse.” 


The truth is that if your employees, customers, and others who come to your place of business begin to get sick, no corporate spin or digital marketing is going to save your company. A business that doesn’t prioritize the health of its employees will struggle. 


Now, the companies mentioned in that article are some of the biggest in the world. Will they be able to get by? Almost assuredly. However, for a small business, or even someone operating a franchise of one of those businesses, they could be in trouble. 


People want to know that you’re going to prioritize their health, as well as the health of your employees. That’s the kind of company that folks want to do business with right now. They’re going to want to continue to work with such a company, too. 


Danny has handled this the right way, sending his employees to work remotely from home earlier than many. Additionally, he made the not-easy call to continue to work from home for the rest of 2020. That’s helped Website Depot to stay safe while providing uninterrupted service and solutions to clients. 


Navigating the pandemic is going to be one more thing that a business has to get right. A remote marketing consultation with Danny can help with that and so many other topics. For more: (213) 457-3250.