Mastering All Aspects of Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is the most powerful way to market yourself or your business. 

That’s true today, and it’s going to be true tomorrow, too. 

When someone thinks of “online marketing,” they tend to have too narrow a focus. For example, they might think of social media posts or blogs, something of that nature. Yes, those are parts of online marketing, but they’re just that: parts. 

There’s actually far more to marketing your company online than just that. 

One important factor that no business owner should overlook: email. 

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Email Marketing 


It may almost feel a bit antiquated at this point, but email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses. You can harness it in practically any industry. The key is to do it right. Danny has helped many with their email marketing, whether they’ve been in business for many years or they’re just starting out. 


One of the important things to keep in mind about email marketing is that not everyone is going to be happy with it. Sometimes, folks get your email at what’s a difficult time for them. Some folks will forget they signed up for your emails and want to opt-out quickly. That’s why it’s so important to do everything in your power to avoid spam complaints. 


If you send one thousand emails and get one spam complaint, that’s about the number you should be looking for. Anything higher than that and you’ve got a problem. It’s impossible to get your email marketing off of the ground if all of your hard work is going right to the “Spam” folder. 


A Wide Scope of Marketing 


Unsure what to put in your email marketing? One technique that Danny and the team here help folks with all of the time: newsletters. A newsletter can be beneficial in many ways. It shows people what you’re doing, it offers deals, it updates them on news, and so forth. If you stick to a consistent schedule, you can build an audience for them. 


That’s just one way that Danny has helped so many companies to help their bottom line through email marketing. There are many others. To talk it over with Danny in a remote marketing consulting in Los Angeles session, call (213) 457-3250.