The Shifting Nature of Reaching Your Customers 

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Every morning, when we look through the news to see what’s new in digital marketing, we look for something that challenges us. 

It’s important to go out and find information and research that makes you question your assumptions, which causes you to re-think your priors. This can help you to better prepare for the day as well as the rest of your career. 

However, it’s also a good thing to see someone who agrees with you. 

That’s what happened today when we read this article at Forbes (where, it should be noted, Danny is also a contributor). 


Let Them See You 


That’s what we can take from this article that also mirrors many of our own beliefs. 

Being “visible,” as the article states, is always a good idea. 

You can’t just “turtle” your way through the pandemic. 

“Hiding” your business, cutting your marketing to the bone in hopes that things will improve and you’ll be fine, isn’t a strategy. It’s an escape. 

To use an analogy, it’s like hiding in a shelter from a tornado. If the tornado gets through your shelter, you’re done for. 

Even if you do survive, by the time you come back out, everything could be destroyed. 

So, you want to maintain your presence. Make sure that you and your business can be seen. Moreover, make sure they can be seen on basically any platform. 


Make Sure They Can Communicate With You Honestly 


Podcasts and webinars are more than ways to “get yourself out there,” they’re legitimate community events. 

One thing this article said that we too have utilized: “we don’t necessarily stick to a given script during the sessions, which allows people (we talk to) to discuss everything business and non-business related, including current challenges, fears, worries, and many other topics that wouldn’t have been ‘appropriate’ before the crisis.” 

What’s “appropriate” has changed for many businesses. 

For all the jokes you hear about emails that start “in these uncertain times” and something similar, initially, they came from a very real place. 

It’s not just that you need marketing that’s “conversational.” Rather, it’s that you need marketing which can shift at the speed of conversation. 

Danny can help with that and so much more when you call him at (213) 457-3250.