The One Thing Just About All Good Content Contains 


“How can I improve my content?” “What is my content missing?” 

We’re often asked some version of that question from new and prospective clients. 

The truth is that every company’s content is going to be different. 

That’s the case whether you’re doing this through blogs, podcasts, videos, vlogs, and so much else. 

But, there’s one thing you have to keep in mind above all else with your content, no matter what you’re doing. 





That’s it. 

That’s the main goal of your content. 

Yes, you’re doing this content so that your company ranks higher on Google, helps the bottom line, etc. 

But, that’s the goal for the content as a concept. 

The goal for every piece of your content is to educate. 

This works in just about every context. 

You want to educate about how your company is good at what it does. Educate them about what your services are and what sets them apart. Even telling them about a sale, and how it can help them, is educating. 

You’ll note that the last sentence said “and how it can help them.” 

Just saying “hey, we have a sale,” can be a problem. That’s not really educating. Then, you’re “selling” to them, without offering them anything. While you might think “we’re offering them the sale,” you aren’t. You’re just telling them. 

However, when you’re educating, you’re giving them something, too. Even if they don’t buy from you or give you money, they’ll see that you know what you’re talking about. That can lead to them bringing it up to friends and family, or even making a sale further down the line. 

Besides, content that’s educational never really goes out of style. 

For more help with this or anything else, you can schedule a remote marketing consulting in Los Angeles session with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.