More Evidence from Google That, Yes, Content Continues to Be King 


“Content is king!” 

Danny Star says that to the rest of the team here often. 

It’s been true every time he says it. 

With the right content, used properly, and in the right places, your business can grow beyond your most exorbitant dreams. 

That said, using content improperly, or even just sub-optimally can keep your business from growing (or even cause it to slide backwards). 

Google certainly agrees with Danny. 

Google wants content and rewards sites for having better content. Having lots of top-notch content is one of the best ways to boost your Google ranking. 

Moreover, Google takes all parts of a site into account. 



Yes, Google Looks at the Comment Section 


As hard as it may be for some to believe, the comment section counts as “content” within this context, too. 

Again, you don’t have to take our word for it, you can listen to Google.

As John Mueller from Google puts it: “From our point of view, we do see comments as a part of the content. We do also, in many cases, recognize that this is actually the comment section so we need to treat it slightly differently.” 

That said, Mr. Mueller’s comments probably shouldn’t be taken as a sign that you should never, under any circumstances, delete comments. 

He goes on to say:
“So, that’s something where, depending on the type of comments that you have there, the amount of comments that you have, it can be the case that they provide significant value to your pages, and they can be a source of additional information about your pages, but it’s not always the case.” 

Abusive comments, ones that provide no value whatsoever, can probably be deleted. But, you want to be careful about going too far. As Mr. Meuller concludes: 

“It’s certainly not the case that we completely ignore all of the comments on a site. So just blindly going off and deleting all of your comments in the hope that nothing will change – I don’t think that will happen.” 

Look at the words there that imply totality: “all,” “just blindly going off,” etc. 

Our takeaway is that you can delete those comments that provide no value. But, eliminating all of them is to erase a piece of content that could help you to climb the rankings. 

To climb the rankings even further, you can schedule a remote marketing consulting in Los Angeles session with Danny Star. Those are available for discounted rates at (213) 457-3250.