Basic Fundamentals of Online Reputation Management 

Danny Star

Are you worried about your company’s online reputation? Does it feel like you’re one bad review away from disaster? 

One of the many services that Danny Star and the team provide is online reputation management. That means building your online reputation, improving it, and maintaining it once you’ve got it where you would like. 

That said, there are steps that every business owner/marketer can take to help their online reputation. 


Stay Informed and Have a Plan 


Often, when a company’s online reputation takes a hit, they don’t know about it until it’s too late. Something is said about them in the press, on a site, and they aren’t aware until long after the damage is done. 

This is why it’s important to monitor your social media, your online media, mentions in more traditional media, how you’re referenced in search engines, and much more. 

That way, you can be in a position to respond when you have to. 

Speaking of “being in a position to respond,” make sure you have a strategy for when emergencies do strike. 

Make certain you have a plan (it can be detailed or “broad strokes”) of what to do when there is a crisis. Who works on what, who reports to who, and so forth – you don’t want to have to figure that out when the clock is ticking. 

Working on this now can save you a lot of time (as well as headaches) later. 

Danny Star

Speak Well of Yourself and Have Others Speak Well of You 


With your social media, website, content, and more, you have a great opportunity to define yourself. 

Make sure to mention the good you do, both internally (at your company) and for your customers, in the community, and more. 

Even if it seems tiny, even irrelevant, it can make for a great tweet, Instagram post, and so forth. This won’t just help your online reputation, they’ll help you to devise and develop your content strategy in general. 

That said, you want more than just to talk about yourself, of course. 

Reviews from satisfied customers and users can help in a number of ways, not the least of which is to serve as a counterargument to anyone who would cast aspersions about your company online. 

When customers post positive reviews, that’s wonderful, of course. To increase the likelihood, consider running a contest or promotion, where you’ll give something (with real value) to anyone who leaves a review. That can drive those numbers even further. 

Like SEO services and so much more, online reputation management never stops. To help your company, schedule a consultation with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.