Ways A Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Technically 

Danny Star

“I can write my own content, I can make my own social media posts. What good would a digital marketing consultant be?” That’s a common question posed by small business owners. The odds are good that you started your business because you wanted to be “hands on,” so it makes sense that you would handle everything on your own. 


Yet, in a real way, a digital marketing consultant, such as Danny Star, can help you to get the most out of your efforts. Someone who truly understands the ins and outs of digital marketing, backed by years of experience, can help your company in a variety of ways. For one, they can make sure that your digital marketing has taken care of all of the “little things” that, when it comes to your success, really aren’t so little. 

Danny Star

What Experience Can Provide


This article, posing the question “Are Internal Links in Header and Footer Treated Differently?” (in terms of Google) is a prime example of this. If you go through it, you’ll find that Google’s John Mueller answers this SEO question.


When you have a digital marketing consultant on your side, you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing. In fact, you don’t have to worry about any of these similar concerns when it comes to digital marketing. A digital marketing pro can make sure that all of these are handled for you. 


Yet, what a consultant can provide is so much more than just technical information. Really, what sets one consultant apart from the next is their ability to see “the big picture,” to be able to impart the kind of advice that your company needs when your company needs it. 


Those are just a few of the reasons that so many have turned to Danny Star for his counsel, advice, and more. You can schedule a consultation right now with Danny at (213) 457-3250.