The Importance of Value in Email Marketing 

Danny Star

Every week, at the company meeting (more or less), Danny Star asks the rest of the time something they’ve learned recently. It’s not always something that they’ve “learned in the course of doing their job,” but rather, something they’ve learned that’s bettered them. 


Recently, he asked who has signed up for marketing emails from people other than clients. He wanted to know who received emails from marketing organizations, those that do marketing. Sure, many of them are competitors. But, each has something to teach. This is true even if that “something to teach” is “something not to do.” 


This is true for your industry as well. No matter what it is you do, odds are that there’s something you can pick up on from your competitors. Email marketing is a great tool for this, as practically every company engages in some kind of email marketing. 

Danny Star

Key to Email Marketing 


Provide value every step of the way. You don’t have to wait for the email to be opened to provide value. In just about every form of content, we emphasize the “CTA,” the “call to action.” In blogs, landing pages, and other forms of content, we tend to put it at the end. This makes sense. The idea is that the rest of the content provides valuable information and then the bottom is where you can get more. 


In email marketing, you have to get them to open the email. So, a great method to do that is to allude to the CTA in the subject line. Many do this by adding dots of ellipsis, thus creating a dramatic unanswered question. “Do you want to learn the secret of marketing…?” That kind of thing. 


However, you can do it in other ways, too. You need to be able to get their attention with that subject line and then, once they open the email, have the value that they need. 


For more ways to grow your business, schedule a consultation with Danny Star today at (213) 457-3250.