TikTok Marketing for Today and the Future 

Danny Star

“Most of our customers are over the age of 20, and many older than that. Can we really get something out of TikTok marketing?” Of course you can. Danny Star and the team have helped so many in essentially any business to be able to increase their customer reach with TikTok marketing. 


That having been said, it’s a fair question. Yes, there are plenty of young folks on TikTok. While upwards of almost half of TikTok users are 30 and older, so many of them are younger, too. However, if your company doesn’t really target folks younger than that, TikTok may still be a good idea. After all: people age. 

Danny Star

“Engaging the Next Generation”


That’s part of a great quote from the marketing director of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, Rachel Piacenza. The foundation has a consumer brand called “Take Me Fishing,” they determined that TikTok was “the perfect platform to meet prospective anglers and boaters.” 


Yes, they were able to use TikTok to engage with their core customers, folks that are into fishing and boating. However, they were also able to use it to be able to reach their next generation of customers, too. The ones that in a few years will be buying their own boats, that will be devoting more and more of their time to fishing. Thus, there’s nothing wrong with (for lack of being unable to avoid a fishing pun) “hooking” them now. 


It’s important to note that this is a good strategy whether or not your business is centered around something experiential like boating. Really, you can make this work for anything. Engaging your audience today and growing it tomorrow – that’s the power of TikTok marketing. 


For more ways to succeed with your digital marketing, you can schedule a consultation with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.