Stuck With TikTok Marketing? One Question to Ask 

Danny Star

Has your TikTok marketing plateaued? Does it feel like you were doing great with TikTok marketing when you started, but now it’s not going as you’d hoped? Or, alternatively, have you been trying to get started with Tiktok marketing but don’t know where to begin? Those are all valid questions. Many marketers and business owners, even experienced ones, can feel a bit flat-footed, so to speak, in terms of what to post on TikTok. 


There’s so much on TikTok, in terms of content and people. So, essentially regardless of what industry you’re in, your potential customers are there, somewhere. If you’re stuck on what to post, there’s one question that can work, that, if it doesn’t provide you with the answer, can provide you with what you need to find the answer. 

Danny Star

Just Ask Yourself… 


“What can I do that’s unique that people won’t be able to find anywhere else?” That may sound too simple (or even too odd) but it can help. There are a lot of videos on TikTok, to put it mildly. If you’re looking to stand out from the rest, you want to be able to show something that people just won’t be able to see elsewhere. 


This could take the form of Q and As with your staff, answering questions that you’re often asked or have received in the past. It could be a quick video “behind the scenes” of your company, how you create the products you sell. Or, if you offer services, you could provide tips, show how you work, and so forth – all in new ways that potential customers haven’t seen before. 


TikTok may seem a bit intimidating, but it’s really an opportunity. Specifically, it’s an opportunity to be able to show parts of your company that you haven’t been able to before, in all-new ways. Start thinking in that way, and you’ll have something from which to grow a TikTok marketing strategy. 


For a consultation with Danny Star about TikTok marketing and other business concerns, you can call him at (213) 457-3250.