What Consumers Crave in TikTok Marketing 

Danny Star

Does it feel like you can’t quite connect with as many potential customers on TikTok as you’d like? Do you feel as if there’s something that’s just missing from your TikTok marketing? So many of the business owners who come to Danny Star have expressed similar sentiments. As TikTok is different from other platforms, with different requirements and differing expectations from viewers/consumers, it can feel as if you’re not doing things right. 


However, there’s one tactic that always works. Even if it doesn’t bring you in so many consumers/followers immediately, it will, in the end, provide you with a path forward to real, lasting growth. Be authentic. Be as authentic as you can be. That’s what people are looking for on TikTok. 

Danny Star

Case in Point 


This article from AdWeek shows exactly this. Lyft, the rideshare service, has found that it’s grown to reaching “700,000 organic views on a single video” due to a new strategy where it’s been able to learn how to “create an online community.” How? 


As the article puts it, this “demonstrates that if brands want to succeed on TikTok, they must ditch traditional advertising strategies and instead focus on rolling out original content that doesn’t feel so promotional.” 


It’s easy to get frustrated when you read something like that. After all, the whole point to “digital marketing” is, well, “marketing.” of course you’re trying to advertise. But, when dealing with something like TikTok, your ‘advertising’ has to be constructed in a new way, one that doesn’t feel so much like advertising of the past. You have to create something that people want to see, that shows real, authentic people doing real, authentic things. 


This can sound difficult, but we can guarantee you: you can do it. Between your colleagues, your staff, your customers, and more, that’s already a community of real, living, breathing people who can help your company to do that much better on TikTok. Just by being authentic, and making sure that authenticity comes out in everything you do. 


For more help with this and growing your business online, you can schedule a consultation with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.