Experience Counts in Digital Marketing


 During the pandemic, many have been scrambling to find new work. 

It could be a new career, it could be a side hustle, just something to bring in more money. 

There’s nothing wrong with that at all. It’s a great way to grow yourself, learn something new, develop new skills, and more. 

What can be a problem is if you learn a little bit and then declare yourself “an expert.” We see this often with people who have taken a class or two and then decide that they’re ready to offer their “expert digital marketing services.” 


Your Business is Too Important to Leave to Amateurs 


If your place of business had an electrical problem, you would call a professional to come in and fix it. You would not call someone who had just done “a really intense electricity class” online, nor someone that your cousin said, “is just super into electricity and pretty smart.” 


You would hire a professional. 

Obviously, it’s not a perfect analogy (no one, to our best knowledge at least, has performed online marketing so badly that it caused the lights in a business to go out literally. Just metaphorically.) 

But, working with amateurs without a proven track record can present your business with any number of dangers. 


A Proven Track Record


To use an example from Danny’s own clients, the KE Law Firm helps folks with bankruptcies. During the pandemic, Karine Karadjian said on our podcast that many attorneys turned to bankruptcy law. 

They had never done anything with it before. But, they knew it would be big now and they had passed the bar, so, voila, they’re now bankruptcy attorneys. 

However, it doesn’t work like that. 

Someone who goes to them for their bankruptcy won’t get the proven track record of going to someone experienced, like the KE Law Firm. 

The same holds true for online marketing. 

Danny and the team here have built websites and more for companies that have made millions. That’s a track record of money and success. 

That’s what your business deserves. 

To pick Danny’s brain and learn more about what you can do to succeed in this environment or any other, reach out to Danny for a consultation at (213) 457-3250. Reduced pandemic prices are available.