What You Can Learn About Marketing from the Pediatrics Industry 


It’s always good to see what others are doing for their marketing. 

That’s especially true when it’s someone in your industry, one of your competitors. 

However, sometimes, if you’re looking for more ideas, you can go outside of your industry, too. 

While every company is different (to say nothing of industry) there are some ideas that are universal. 

If you’re tired of looking at your competitors (which is certainly a human thing to feel) stepping outside of your industry could be just the thing to help kick your mind into gear. 

We thought that this afternoon when we read this article about marketing practices in the Pediatrics Industry. 



The Pediatrics Industry: Not Unlike Your Industry


This lovely article starts with the idea that pediatricians probably don’t want to be concerned with marketing. 

That makes sense. They’re trained professionals who just want to do their jobs. Marketing can be a pain, albeit a necessary one. By hiring an outside team, they could spend more with their patients. 

Some good ideas that go beyond this industry: “use every visit, phone call on hold, and bill to market the practice and the practice’s services.” 

Even if your company doesn’t deal with visits, phone calls that could be on hold, or physical bills, there are probably more ways to market to your customers (and potential customers) that you aren’t taking advantage of. 

Each of those interactions is a time when the pediatrician (and their practice) has the whole, undivided attention of their customer. That’s a perfect time for marketing, of course. 

Getting the most out of moments like that which your company has can go a long way towards improving your bottom line. 



Promoting More than Once 


A really great bit of advice: “promote any changes to the practice, such as evening hours or new services, more than once to ensure that patients catch the message. A single promotion running for a week may miss many families in the practice.” 

Now, that’s something that applies to any business. 

Of course, for many, you could substitute “a single promotion running for a week” to “a Facebook post.” 

Or, it could be “an Instagram picture,” “a tweet,” “a podcast,” “a video,” and more – if you do all of those, then you have a decent chance of letting your customers know about one of your changes. 

If you’re looking to get the most out of your digital marketing, don’t hesitate to reach out to Danny for a remote marketing consulting in Los Angeles session at (213) 457-3250.