What Does “Authenticity” Mean in Tiktok Marketing? 

Danny Star

Have you been trying to make your brand more “authentic” but aren’t sure exactly what that entails? Do you want to be able to connect to more potential customers, in TikTok marketing and elsewhere? Authenticity is important. But, as Danny Star and the team stress, it’s not always easy to be “authentic,” paradoxical as that may sound. The truth is that anxiety can go a long way, but you have to do it right. 


To define what “authenticity” is, in part, it’s important to also know what it isn’t. For one, authenticity isn’t “laziness.” Simply putting something up on Tiktok that’s boring, that you didn’t think about, that’s just talking heads, so to speak, isn’t “authentic.” It’s just lazy. That’s not what people connect to. Instead, they’re looking for something else: the best of who your company truly is. 

Danny Star

Another Way to Think of “Authenticity” 


You can think of “authenticity” as being “unfiltered.” Be who you really are. That means showing your true self, what you really believe, what you really do. If you’re making a TikTok, or conveying one, and think “oh this would be cool, this would make us look great,” that may not be authentic. Instead, people want to see what you really do. 


Some great ideas for authentic TikTok marketing include: show how your company really works, what you really do, truly behind the scenes, etc. Talking to your customers, employees, and others and getting what they truly think, how they truly feel, can do wonders in this regard. What creators find, so often, is that this real, almost entirely unscripted content provides moments that truly connect, especially on TikTok. 


For more ways to grow your business through TikTok marketing or any other format, you can schedule a consultation with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.