What to Prioritize with Your TikTok Marketing 

Danny Star

Have you been trying to figure out TikTok marketing? When you research what goes into marketing on TikTok, does it feel like you’re getting a lot of contradictory information? If so, that’s perfectly understandable. As TikTok marketing is new (at least, in relation to marketing on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and so forth) people are still finding their way with it. Indeed, that’s just one of the many ways that Danny Star and the team here have helped so many to grow their businesses. 


That said, it’s easy to get confused and lose track of what exactly is most important for marketing on TikTok. “Paralysis by analysis,” where you take in so much that it keeps you from doing something productive, can be a real problem. However, if you get stuck with TikTok marketing, there’s one thing you can always focus on, always fall back on. 

Danny Star



Not to pick on others, but this article that the team came across today made us think about this. If you look at the article, you’ll note that “always be testing” and “keep your branding consistent” can be contradictory. After all, in many cases, it’s one or the other. If you’re “always testing” then, definitionally, the odds are good that you won’t be “keeping your branding consistent,” no matter your best efforts. 


However, there’s a lot of truth in the piece. (“Keep it short and sweet,” mentioned twice, is good advice, for example.) That said, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should “have fun with it.” That’s going to be the key ingredient in all of your TikTok marketing. 


If it’s not fun, if it’s not fun to watch, fun to engage with, then it’s not going to work on TikTok. There’s no “well, it’s OK that it’s just an ad” on TikTok. That doesn’t work here. If TikTok viewers feel that they’re being sold without feeling anything else, then there’s no way your ads are going to succeed. 


You might, at this point, ask “how can I tell if my ads are fun?” Well, while there’s no 100% foolproof way to do so, there is an easy way to see if you’re on the right path. Ask yourself: did you have fun making them? Anything fun on screen first has to be fun to make. 


For more ways to succeed with TikTok marketing and so much else, you can schedule a consultation with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.