Best Ways to Avoid “The Common Errors” 


When you sit down to figure out your online marketing strategy, do you worry about making mistakes? Does it feel like there are all these strange, esoteric, frankly counterintuitive rules that don’t seem to make much sense? 

It’s that way for many people when they do their own marketing. 

Indeed, it’s true of some folks who are just starting out in the digital marketing space. 

The truth is that many lessons are hard-learned. 

You have to fail before you can succeed. 

However, as a small business owner, you don’t want to have to spend much time “failing.” indeed, as it’s your money and job on the line (as well as those of so many others) you want to keep the “failing” portion to a minimum. 

A few articles Danny Star and the team came across today may be able to help. 

First, there was this one about “the most common SEO errors.” 

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What’s a “Common Error” for One Person…


… isn’t a common error for someone else. 

That article is very well-written with many insights. You can use it to avoid several basic errors, thus helping your business. 

That said, there’s no such thing as a scientific definition of a “basic error.” 

Just as with everything else in life, there are folks who will naturally pick something up quickly. It could be that a “common” error you might make is one that’s not listed on this page. 

That leads to another way to avoid “common” errors as well as several others… 



Someone On Your Side 


This article goes into whether to hire someone “in-house” or to work with a marketing agency. While there are many benefits and drawbacks to both, in our reading, he comes down more on the side of hiring an agency. 

For one, it’s because “you’ll get access to an entire team of marketing professionals with an array of expertise.” Moreover, “the reality is that working with an agency is less expensive than having in-house marketing experts.” 

By having someone like that on your side, you can avoid plenty of errors, common and otherwise. For help with this and so much else, you can schedule a remote marketing consulting in Los Angeles session with Danny Star at (213) 457-3250.