There is little more important to your marketing than the written word. Sometimes, it might not seem that way. After all, typing words takes fractions of a second. They can be deleted even faster. But, for all the importance of graphics, pictures, videos, and more, writing is still critical to the digital marketing success (and…
Category: Digital Marketing
Look for Marketing Help That Wants a Long Term Relationship
Getting digital marketing help (or really any kind of marketing help) is a great way to grow your business. That said, you have to get with the right marketer/marketing company. You know to look for someone that’s in your budget, has a track record, etc. However, something you want to look for that many don’t…
“A Different Kind of Marketing”
Every industry has faced challenges during this time. Some have faced greater difficulties than others. There’s something to be learned from just about every company (even if it’s what not to do). But, there’s something in particular to be learned from those who have had to adapt the most. A great example of this: the…
Client of the Week: Elevated Seasons
What They Do: Elevate any living experience. Elevated Seasons provides outdoor design and installation services. That’s what it says on their website, but really, that’s quite an understatement. What they really do is just utterly transform any outdoor area into something genuinely magical. Incredible outdoor lighting and landscape professionals, the experts at Elevated Seasons…
The Specificity of a Wide Range of Customers
“I want to appeal to as many customers as possible.” More or less, so many different clients say something like that to Danny and the team when they first reach out. It makes sense. Who wants to leave money on the table by excluding one customer base or another? The truth is, however, that you…
Happy Monday: How to Have a Better Monday
“Happy Monday!” Danny says that to us often here at Website Depot. For some of us, we’d never heard anyone say that before, much less the boss. But, Danny means it. He really and sincerely wants his employees to have, well, a happy Monday. Coming from anyone else, it could come off as anything from…
Stake Your Claim: The Power of Google My Business
Have you claimed your Google My Business listing yet? If you haven’t yet, stop reading this blog. No, really. We want you to keep reading, of course. We want you to read these blogs, leave a comment, connect with Danny, all of that. But, claiming your Google My Business listing is one of the best…
Taking Advantage of New Opportunities Properly As Soon As They Arise
Danny and the team here are digital marketing professionals. That means we have years of experience with online marketing, etc. etc. Additionally, it means that we know immediately when things change. By that same token, it means that our clients don’t have to. Don’t get us wrong: our clients are engaged. Of Danny’s clients, so…
The Shifting Nature of Reaching Your Customers
Every morning, when we look through the news to see what’s new in digital marketing, we look for something that challenges us. It’s important to go out and find information and research that makes you question your assumptions, which causes you to re-think your priors. This can help you to better prepare for the day…
Client of the Week: Scope Environmental
What They Do: This is the first time since we started writing these “Client Highlight” pieces that we’ve referenced a client for the second time. There’s a very good reason for that. One of Scope Environmental’s invaluable services is their fire damage restoration. As of this writing, wildfires have been a constant problem throughout Southern…