
bob the builder

Reaching People Where They Live When They’re Only Where They Live 

That’s one thing that comes up all the time during Danny Star’s digital marketing consulting sessions: “how do I reach more potential customers?” Often, this is followed by the phrase: “I want to reach them where they live.” Obviously, this is a metaphor, meaning “reach customers organically, as they go through the course of their…

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A Path to Growth is Always Possible 

For many business owners, whether they’re small, large, or anything in between, these are concerning times. Maybe some parts of your business aren’t operational right now, perhaps you’re taking big losses, or maybe you can’t even open at all. Danny Star has been advising clients in all different kinds of industries throughout the crisis. There…

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Don’t Forget the Positive 

This is a difficult time. There’s no sugar-coating that. It’s difficult for everyone: customers, CEOs, small business owners, everybody. The world has been disrupted, and for so many, it’s a scarier moment than it was just a few short days ago. That said, you don’t want to totally ignore the positive. When you’re posting about…

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