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Taking Advantage of New Opportunities Properly As Soon As They Arise 

Danny and the team here are digital marketing professionals.  That means we have years of experience with online marketing, etc. etc. Additionally, it means that we know immediately when things change.  By that same token, it means that our clients don’t have to.  Don’t get us wrong: our clients are engaged.  Of Danny’s clients, so…

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Client of the Week: Scope Environmental 

What They Do:  This is the first time since we started writing these “Client Highlight” pieces that we’ve referenced a client for the second time.  There’s a very good reason for that.  One of Scope Environmental’s invaluable services is their fire damage restoration.  As of this writing, wildfires have been a constant problem throughout Southern…

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How Marketing for the Holiday Can Help All Year Long 

“If we could just make the money we did at the holidays all year long, we’d be great.”  So many business owners have said some version of that.  Even though this blog was written on September 21st, that doesn’t mean the “holidays” in question are Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.  After all, owners of fireworks companies…

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What We Can Learn from Cattle Marketing (Yes, Cattle Marketing) 

To write these blogs, we go through a lot of marketing articles and stories every morning.  Much of it is dreck.  Rewrite: almost all of it is dreck.  Paid professionals (or unpaid “professionals”) repeating the same buzzwords and bromides to each other ad nauseum.  Every now and then, we encounter something insightful, new, and important….

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From Defensive Posture to the Front Foot: Beyond Business Survival 

“Survive.”  “Get through.”  “Do what you have to do to keep your business going.”  That was much of the advice we read (and even gave) during the beginning of the pandemic.  As so many businesses struggled in March and April, survival was key.  For many businesses, it still is today.  Just about every company in…

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E-A-T-ing Right: What to Know About How Google Looks at Content 

Expertise. Authoritativeness. Trustworthiness.  It’s not the credo for a very exclusive academy.  Those are some of the major guidelines Google uses in their search quality evaluations.  Google wants the best, highest quality content to rise to the top of their rankings.  So, they look for articles that have those three qualities.  Google looks at “EAT”…

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