The New Year is just that: new. This is a time of fresh starts. If you’re like so many of the members on the Danny Star team, then you’ve probably thought of something you’re going to try in the new year. Picking up a new hobby, getting healthier, writing a book, getting some more education…
Category: Client Of The Day
Client of the Week: Venice Beach Surgical Center
What They Do: Simply put, improve lives. They help people to look so much better, to boost their self-confidence. The Venice Beach Surgical Center and the great Dr. Rojas always do fantastic work for their clients. That said, we specifically wanted to highlight them during this time because Danny Star and the team here…
What to Know About Email Marketing in 2021
A.I. Voice search. SMS. No matter how many new marketing technologies rise to prominence and popularity, email marketing always stands out. Email marketing remains one of the best tools for helping just about any company to grow. Danny Star emphasizes that to clients, prospective clients, and business owners alike. That said, email marketing, as a…
Power of Digital Marketing: More than a Fantasy
Happy New Year from Danny Star and the team here. On our first day back at remote work, after the requisite gallons/tons of caffeine, we searched for what’s new and big in digital marketing. We came across this article about how “Current Digital Marketing is Sports-Watching, Rather Than Marketing.” It got us thinking, with the…
The Best Tools are the Ones Used Properly
In two days, it will be 2021. So many business owners will make their resolutions. “Improve your online reach” will either be an explicit resolution or something that they want to build up to. In our daily reading of marketing articles, Danny Star and the team came across this good one. It makes sense to…
Active vs. Reactive: The Best Fit for Your Business
Danny Star and the team here are always glad to read marketing articles that agree with what we believe. That said, we’re always intrigued by articles or information that challenges our thinking. An example of that happened today with this article about marketing lessons learned during the pandemic. Most intriguing to us was “dare to…
Yes, Virginia, You Can Take a Day Off
Hard work is important. It’s the foundation of, well, everything. Without hard work, you don’t have a company, you don’t have a business, you probably don’t have much at all. However, you can’t just have hard work. If you never relax, never step back, you won’t see the results you want. That’s true in business…
What We Can Learn from Local Restaurant Franchises
The holidays! That means seeing the people we love, giving gifts, and just basking in the blow. It also means eating. Eating a lot, actually. For many of us, that does not translate to “cooking a lot.” So, that means take out, delivery, or eating somewhere. Danny Star and the team here, even right before…
Reasons Your Marketing Can Succeed in 2021
Being too optimistic or too negative can hurt. That’s true in life as well as in business. Too much negativity in business can cause you to miss opportunities, to undervalue what you have and what you can do. Too much optimism, on the other hand, can keep you from seeing potential mistakes on the horizon. …
When and When Not to “Pounce” on a Competitor’s Mistake
“You have to take advantage of every opportunity.” “If a competitor messes up, you need to exploit that!” You’ve probably heard something like the above many times. Danny Star and the team here certainly have. The “dog eat dog” world of business makes it so that you have to do what you can to survive. …